地球、風與火樂團 - 蒙特勒現場演唱會 BD

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地球、風與火樂團 - 蒙特勒現場演唱會 BD


  • 本片的特別收錄內容,便是1998年的演出片段

  • 內容簡介

    地球、風與火樂團 - 蒙特勒現場演唱會 BD

    共有6項葛萊美獎加持的地球風與火樂團,1997年來到了蒙特勒音樂節為當年的新專輯《In The Name Of Love,以愛之名》宣傳演唱會,期間當然還要演出之前的經典名曲。因為演唱會太成功了,主辦單位立刻邀請樂團隔年再參加。本片的特別收錄內容,便是1998年的演出片段。

    Earth, Wind & Fire were formed at the end of the sixties but really hit their stride in the mid-seventies when founder Maurice White was joined by his brother Verdine on bass and lead vocalist Philip Bailey. The new line up went on to score a string of hit singles and albums in the US, the UK and many other countries around the world over the next decade and to pick up six Grammy Awards in the process. As part of the European tour to support the release of their “In The Name Of Love” album, the band played at Montreux and went down so well they were immediately booked to return the following year. This DVD features the whole of the July 1997 concert, which features a couple of tracks from their In The Name Of Love album surrounded by their classic hits.

    1. Rock That
    2. Jupiter
    3. Saturday Nite
    4. Revolution
    5. Gratitude
    6. September
    7. Let’s Groove
    8. Rock It
    9. Sun Goddess
    10. Can’t Hide Love
    11. That’s The Way Of The World
    12. Drum Solo
    13. Reasons
    14. Mo’s Solo
    15. Boogie Wonderland
    16. After The Love Has Gone
    17. Sing A Song
    18. Shining Star
    19. Devotion

    Seven tracks from their return performance in 1998:
    1. Kalimba Funk Intro
    2. Pride / Mighty Mighty
    3. In The Stone
    4. Percussion Solo (Daahoud)
    5. I’ll Write A Song
    6. Love’s Holiday
    7. Getaway (These bonus tracks were fi lmed in standard def).


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